How to get Audio Responsive Visuals from Studio One

7 min readNov 16, 2023


Visualizing your music with audio coming right from Studio One is easy with just a few downloads!


You’ll only need a few things.

1) A computer

2) Studio One

3) Google Chrome and a SYQEL account

4) OBS Screen Recording Software

5) Loopback Audio Software

6) A Virtual Audio Cable

Step 1: Signing Up for SYQEL

First and foremost, we need to create a SYQEL account.Head over to to get started and create a free account.

Once you do, you will be greeted with the main page. SYQEL runs off of your browser so you don’t need to download anything.

Step 2: Selecting Your Visual Engine

SYQEL offers two different visualizer engines shown on the left-hand menu. The first is Three.js, which allows you to hand-pick pre-made visuals. The second is called Milkdrop, which cycles through hundreds of thousands of visuals automatically.

Today we’ll be using Three.js, so we’ll be able to pick out our visuals.

To do so, click on the settings button in the top right menu.

Step 3: Picking Out Your Visuals

Once you click on the settings icon, you’ll be greeted with the settings page.

This is where you can create a new visual playlist.

1: Name a playlist or select an existing one.

2: Then, click on available visuals. Here you can scroll and see all the pre-made visuals you can use in your playlist.

3: When hovering over a visual it will animate to your microphone input.

4: Once you find a visual you like, simply click on it and it will automatically be added to your playlist.

Playlists automatically save any changes you make!

5. Next, head over to the selected visuals tab.

6. Here you can remove any visuals by clicking the small “x” on the top left of each visual or click and drag your visuals into whatever order you would like them displayed.

Step 4: Upload Your Watermarks

Next, head over to the watermarks section of the settings page.

1: You can upload up to 9 watermarks.

2: Choose their size and positioning.

3: Don’t forget to save your watermark settings at the bottom of the page!

You will be able to cycle through these once you have your visualizer started, so you don’t have to stop the visualizer to switch through your watermarks.

Step 5: Setting Up Frequency Reactiveness

This is an optional step!

If you would like to create different frequency reactiveness templates, for different styles of music, this is a very powerful tool to use!

To start click on the frequency reactiveness section of the settings page

This will determine how your visualizer reacts to the audio. If you only want the kick and bass to affect your visuals, you can set that here. You can save your settings as an audio preset, which we can then choose when we set up our visualizer engine.

Step 6: Setting Your Visualizer’s Behavior

Click on the visualizer behavior section of the settings page. You will see three options.

1: The framerate of your visuals. You can set this up to 244 frames per second.

2: How many seconds each visual lasts on screen before it cycles to the next visual in your playlist.

3: How long the transition is to each visual.

Make sure you save your settings at the bottom!

Step 7: Setting Up Your Visual Engine

Now you’ve created your first playlist and set your visuals frequency reactiveness and behavior. Our visuals are ready to go, we just need to set up our visualizer engine.

First, let’s click on Three.js in the left-hand menu of SYQEL. You will then see 3 drop-down menus appear.

1: First is your audio input which we will go over in the next step.

2: Second, you have your playlist selection.

3: Third, your audio preset selection

Let’s go over how to set up SYQEL to receive audio from Studio One.

Step 8: Routing Studio One’s Audio to SYQEL


1: (Optional) Download and Install a Virtual Audio Cable.

2: Within Studio One, head to your Audio Setup options and click the Audio Device Section. You should have Windows Audio selected, then click on the control Panel.

3: Here you can either select your default desktop audio like Realteck audio, or any virtual audio cables you have installed.

4: Within SYQEL, you can select either your Desktop Audio or Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable) as your audio input!


1: Download and install Loopback, a program that allows us to route our core audio to programs like SYQEL.

2: Within Loopback, create a new virtual device.

3: Within Studio One, navigate to the the audio setup section in your preferences..

4: For the audio device, select your “Built in Output” under the playback device.

5: Within SYQEL’s audio input selection, for windows, select the Virtual Audio Cable, and on mac, select your Loopback audio!

Step 11: Start Your Visualizer

Once you have all three of your parameters selected, hit the Start Visualizer button to immediately begin the visualization.

The visualizer will start reacting to your audio as soon as any audio is playing in Studio One. Simply hit Stop Visualizer to stop the visualization.

Let’s go over how to record your visuals via OBS.

Step 12: Recording SYQEL With OBS

I recommend using OBS to record SYQEL.Download HERE. It’s super easy to set up.

1:Launch OBS and create a new window capture source.

2: Select Window Capture

3: Have Google Chrome be the source! You should see SYQEL in your new window source.

Step 13: Start Your Visualizer

Once you have all three of your parameters selected, hit the Start Visualizer button to immediately begin the visualization.

The visualizer will start reacting to your audio as soon as any audio is playing in Studio One. Simply hit Stop Visualizer to stop the visualization.

Let’s go over how to record your visuals via OBS.

Step 14: Record Your Video

Now, with Audio coming from Studio One, your visual started, and OBS recording SYQEL, we can hit the Start Recording button in OBS! Your audio source in OBS should be the same as the audio source in SYQEL. So now you’re recording your music and your visuals with no latency.

Step 15: Customizing Your Visual As It’s Recording

Finally, if you want to cycle to the next visual, change watermarks, or disable your watermarks while you are recording, you can do so with the help of hotkeys!

1: “Enter” will lock a visual in place, so it will not cycle to the next one in your playlist.

2: “Spacebar” will cycle to your next visual in your playlist.

3: “Backspace” will cycle to your previous visual in your playlist.

4: “h” as we described earlier, will toggle the toolbar at the top on or off.

5: “L” will toggle your watermarks on or off.

6: “0–9” will cycle through your uploaded watermarks.

Step 16: Finished!

There you have it!

A complete guide for recording visualized music videos, directly from Studio One.

Happy creating!

For a more in depth tutorial using SYQEL, check out the complete guide HERE.




Written by SYQEL

SYQEL Music Visualization Platform. Try free at

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